Chapter 1 Introduction 23
You can now create policies to apply connection settings based on server groups, IP
addresses, and client names—in addition to users or user groups as in earlier
releases. New policy rules give you broader control over bandwidth limits, zone
connection preferences, audio options, and printing.
You can use new policy rules to do such things as:
• Direct user connections to a local zone and set failover options to other zones
• Route print jobs directly from the server to the printer rather than through the
client device
• Control bandwidth limits for sessions
• Control audio sound quality used by client devices
The examples cited above include only a few of the new capabilities provided with
connection policies.
Delegated Administration
With delegated administration, you can restrict an administrator’s permissions to
perform certain tasks to select servers and applications. For example, you can:
1. Create two separate “session administrator” accounts.
2. Give one account permissions to manage user sessions on servers in California.
3. Give the other account permissions to manage user sessions on servers
in Maine.
Bi-directional Audio Support
MetaFrame Presentation Server now supports client-side microphone input. This
allows you to publish dictation software for use in client sessions. Using local
microphones, including a number of Philips SpeechMike speech processing
devices, users can record dictations with applications running on the server.
For example, a user away from the office can establish a client session to record
notes using a laptop. Later in the day the user can retrieve the notes for review or
transcription from the desktop device back at the office.