Chapter 1 Introduction 19
• Application and content enumeration. The client presents users with their
individual set of published resources.
• Application launching. The client is the local engine used to launch published
• Desktop integration. The client integrates a user’s set of published resources
with the user’s desktop.
• User preferences. The client validates and implements local user preferences.
The client Program Neighborhood Agent is designed for flexibility and ease of
Web Client
The Web Interface technology, which allows interactive applications to be
published to users through a Web site, is built into MetaFrame Presentation Server.
Use the Web Interface for MetaFrame Presentation Server to give users access to
published resources through the Web or your Intranet. Users log on to the Web
Interface using a familiar Web browser and see links to the applications that they
are authorized to run.
The Web Interface Welcome page showing links for published applications and
resources available in the server farm.