Chapter 4 Using MetaFrame Access Suite Components 73
Accessing Farm Information
You can use the Access Suite Management Console to access information
concerning DemoFarm.
To access information about DemoFarm
1. In the left pane of MetaFrame Access Suite Console, expand DemoFarm and
note folders for Applications, Servers, and Zones.
2. Expand the Applications node and note the applications you published:
Calculator2, My Citrix, Notepad1, and Shadow. To view information about a
published application, click it.
3. Expand the Servers node and note the listing of the two servers that make
up DemoFarm. Select the primary server, and in the right pane, use the pull-
down menu to view information about the server.
4. Expand the Zones node and click your zone. Note that Data Collector is part of
the information displayed about the zone. The data collector is the database that
stores dynamic information about a zone.
In addition to monitoring a server farm, you can also use the Access Suite Console
to access the Access Suite License Server.
Accessing the Access Suite License Server
You can use the MetaFrame Access Suite Console to access license servers and
manage licenses. To manage licenses, follow the instructions in the this section.
Adding a Shortcut to Access Suite License Server
In order to connect to the License Management Console, add a shortcut to the
Access Suite License Server.
To add a shortcut to the license server
1. In the left frame of Access Suite Console, choose Licensing, then click Add
shortcut to license server.
2. In Add a link to a License Management Console, for Server, type the computer
name of your license server, which is your primary server, then click OK.