44 Client for Macintosh Administrator’s Guide
Standard keyboard mode also enables the user to use the Keyboard menu to send
function keys, send special keys, and enable all the keystrokes that can be used
when they select Use Option-Escape for more Keys.
Using a Mouse
Citrix recommends using a two button mouse and configuring the right mouse
button to be the secondary button. You can also emulate a PC mouse right-click
using Option and click.
INSERT 0 (zero) on the numeric keypad; Num Lock must be off
DELETE Decimal point on the numeric keypad; Num Lock must be off
F1 to F9 Option 1 to 9 on numeric keypad
Option-Escape 1 to 9
F10 Option 0 (zero) on numeric keypad
Option-Escape 0
F11 Option minus sign on numeric keypad
Option-Escape hyphen
F12 Option plus sign on numeric keypad
Option-Escape equal sign
ALT+TAB Option-Tab (This can be reconfigured by the user—see
“Configuring Hotkeys” on page 47)
ALT+SHIFT+TAB Option-Shift-Tab (This can be reconfigured by the user—see
“Configuring Hotkeys” on page 47)
PC Key or action Macintosh options