Deploying the Client for Macintosh
This section describes how to install and deploy the Client for Macintosh. Topics
covered in this section include:
• System requirements
• Installing the client
• Uninstalling the client
System Requirements
Users need equipment that meets these minimum requirements to run this release
of the client:
• Either an Intel-based Macintosh running Mac OS X Version 10.4 or later, or
a PowerPC-based Macintosh running Mac OS X 10.3 or later
• At least 128 MB of RAM
• 12 MB of free disk space
• A working network connection or a working Internet connection to connect
to servers
Installing the Client for Macintosh
The client is available as a compressed disk image (MacICA_OSX.dmg.zip) on
the Citrix Web site.
To install the client from the Citrix Web site
1. Download the file MacICA_OSX.dmg.zip and open it. This runs the Disk
Utility program, which mounts the file as a disk image accessible from your