14 Client for Macintosh Administrator’s Guide
Connection Features
• Automatic reconnection. If the client disconnects from a server
unexpectedly, it attempts to reconnect automatically. See “Reconnecting to
Servers after a Disconnection” on page 40 for more information.
• Multiple session support. Users can run multiple connections
• Alternate addresses when connecting to servers across firewalls. Users
can use an alternate address when connecting to a server across a firewall
for individual connections. See “Connecting to a Server through a Firewall”
on page 62.
• Per-connection browsing. Users can specify a server for a particular
connection in order to define specific network protocols and servers, or
change security settings, for each connection. See “Identifying a Desktop or
Application to Connect to” on page 24.
• File type association. You can map file extensions to published
applications so that ICA sessions are launched automatically using the
correct application when a file is opened. See “Opening a File in a Specific
Application” on page 33.
• Local clipboard integration. Users can cut and paste objects between
applications running locally on the client device and applications running
remotely in an ICA session.
Pasted RTF text may not look identical to the text that was copied. If a font
is not available on the platform users paste the RTF text to, the application
uses a compromise font on that platform.
User Interface Features
• Dock and menu bar auto-hide. When a session is running in full screen
mode, you can keep the menu bar and Dock out of the way and only show
them when you move your mouse to the top of the screen or whichever
edge the Dock is located. See “Showing and Hiding the Menu Bar and
Dock” on page 46 for more information.
• Recent items option. To enable users to find connection files more easily, a
list of recently used items is available in both the client and ICA Client
Editor File menus.
• Multi-button mouse support. The client recognizes three buttons (left,
right, and center) on a multi-button mouse. It also recognizes when a wheel
is used as a center button and supports all wheel scrolling functions.