40 Client for Macintosh Administrator’s Guide
Reconnecting to Servers after a Disconnection
You can be disconnected from ICA sessions because of unreliable networks,
highly variable network latency, or range limitations of wireless devices. With the
automatic client reconnection feature, the client can detect unintended
disconnections and automatically reconnect users to the affected sessions.
When this feature is enabled on a machine running Presentation Server, you do
not have to reconnect manually. Instead, a message box appears indicating that
automatic reconnection is under way, and the client tries to reconnect until it is
successful or the user cancels the reconnection attempts. If you require users to be
authenticated again, a dialog box requesting credentials appears during automatic
reconnection. Automatic reconnection does not occur if you exit applications
without logging off.
Please refer to the Presentation Server documentation for information on how to
implement automatic client reconnection.
Session Reliability
With the session reliability feature, users continue to see a published application’s
window if the connection to the application experiences an interruption, and no
message box explaining that the client is trying to reconnect appears for three
minutes (at which stage the user can cancel the reconnection attempt). For
example, wireless users entering a tunnel may lose their connection when they
enter the tunnel and regain it when they come out on the other side. During such
interruptions, the session reliability feature enables the session window to remain
displayed while the connection is being restored.
To reduce the likelihood that users continue to click links or type text while the
connection is being restored, mouse pointers become hourglass icons while the
application is unresponsive.
To turn session reliability on for a specific connection
1. In the ICA Client Editor, open the connection file.
2. From the Connection Properties tab, under Session Reliability, choose
Enable and enter the port number to which you want to connect. If the
session reliability feature is enabled, the default port used for session
communication with the server changes from 1494 to 2598. Please refer to
the Presentation Server documentation for information on how to change
the port used for session reliability.
3. Click Save.