
RS-232 Cables and Pinout
Using an RS‑232 device with Pro64 devices requires a female‑to‑female DB9
null modem cable (also referred to as a crossover cable).
The RS‑232 jack in the VDC section of the 6416m has the following pinout.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
The DB9 connector on a Pro64 device has the pinout seen above.
The table below describes the pinout for the RS‑232 and how to build a
crossover‑type cable. Note that some of the pins are not connected.
RS-232 Connections
Pin Signal
1 Data Carrier Detect *
2 Received Data
3 Transmitted Data
4 Data Terminal Ready *
5 Signal Ground
6 Data Set Ready *
7 Request To Send *
8 Clear To Send *
9 Ring Indicator *
* Not supported, no connect