
105AdvAnced Functions
Use Default Sample Alignment Value
The system calculates a sample alignment value to be used as the default
every time the network is powered up, or when the sample rate is changed.
Function 14 can be used at the Control Master to set the network to use the
default value. (Function 13 is used to instruct the system to use a stored
value. )
To set the network to use the default sample alignment value, press Fu n C t i o n ,
followed by the Ch a n n E l 14 a C t i v E button. The sixteen channel meter LEDs
and the Enter/Cancel LED will flash. Press En t E r to use the default value, or
press Ca n C E l to exit without changing the current value. A forward sweep of
the level LEDs indicates that the function is complete.
Use Function 11 (Get Sample Alignment Info) to display the current value in
use—default or stored.
Restore Factory Defaults
Function 16 restores the 6416m to its factory default settings.
To restore the factory default settings, press Fu n C t i o n followed by the Ch a n n E l
16 aC t i vE button. The Enter/Cancel LED and the sixteen red channel level
LEDs will flash, indicating that this function will interrupt normal network
operation. Press En t E r to continue and recall the factory default settings, or
press Ca n C E l to exit, leaving the current settings in place.
The Factory Default settings are:
A‑Net Slot is set to 1.•
Auto Mode is selected.•
•Sample Rate is set to 48kHz.
All audio channels are deactivated for • Auto, Manual, and
Managed Modes.
All stereo links are deactivated for Auto, Manual, and •
Managed Modes.
Gain is set to 0dB. •
Phase is off. •
The Low Cut filter is off. •
The Pad is off.•
+48V phantom power is off. •
Managed Mode is deactivated.•
•Edit Lock is set to off.
•Password protect is off.
The system • password value for the module being reset is
All Virtual Data Cables are deactivated.•