46 | Chapter 4 Enhanced Layer Functionality
Using a Custom Spatial Query
Custom queries consist of a set of user-defined SQL statements that you can
use instead of the default Autodesk MapGuide spatial queries. Default spatial
queries compile a server request statement from user-defined parameters.
These parameters appear on the Data Sources tab of the Layer Properties
dialog box in the Autodesk MapGuide Author. By replacing the default
spatial query with a custom spatial query, the client passes a user-defined
request statement to the server.
For more information about spatial queries, see the Autodesk MapGuide
Users Guide by clicking Programs ➤ Autodesk MapGuide6.5 ➤ Documenta-
tion ➤ Autodesk MapGuide User’s Guide on the Start menu.
If you want to specify a custom spatial query for a layer, you must ensure that
the order of selected columns in the custom query matches the column order
expected by the Autodesk MapGuide clients.
The following tables show the expected column order to be returned to the
client for a custom spatial query:
SDP Column Order:
Order Data Field Name