Creating a Layer By Geometry Type | 15
Creating a Layer By Geometry Type
You can create new layers of a particular geometry type, such as polyline,
polygon, or point, directly from a DWG file. You create these layers in the
usual way, by selecting the type of geometry that the layer contains; the only
difference in using DWG files is that when you select the data source, you
select Autodesk DWG.
Note Text layers cannot be created directly from DWG files. If you want to
extract text objects from a DWG file, and want to retain attributes such as rota-
tion, height, justification, import those layers into Autodesk MapGuide as regular
Autodesk DWG layers. For more information, see the topic “Creating a DWG Map
Layer,” in the Autodesk MapGuide Help.
To create a new layer by geometry type
1 In Autodesk MapGuide Author, right-click Map Layers and then click
either New Layer
➤ Point, New Layer ➤ Polyline, or New Layer ➤ Polygon.
2 On the General tab, enter a name for the new layer.
3 Click the Data Sources tab, and make sure that the map server agent path
is pointing to the correct location.
4 For Draw Features From, select Autodesk DWG Data Source.
5 Click the Data Source Browse button, and select a DWG data source.
6 Click the Autodesk DWG Browse button, and select a DWG file.
If you are working with polygons, you can click Treat Closed Polylines as
Polygons. If you select this option, the polygon layer treats the closed
polylines brought in from the DWG as polygons. If you do not select this
option, the clos ed polylines are ignored.
If you are working with points, you can click Treat Blocks as Points. If you
select this option, the point layer treats the blocks brought in from the
DWG as points. If you do not select this option, the blocks are ignored.