-18 Custom Spatial Query error code
defined 165
acadmap.ini file 4
addPostSQLStatements method 162
addPreSQLStatements method 159
Advanced tab
DWG data source 7
Agent URL 8
access to enhanced layer functionality 37
DWF API additions 123–150
DWG API additions 81–122
enhanced layer functionality additions 151
arc parameters
and DWG support 7
for Oracle SDP 60
Autodesk Map
how DWF files are published 28
how queries are created 9
how themes are created 12
ini file location 4
Autodesk MapGuide Author
changes for DWG support 8
Autodesk MapGuide Server
changes for DWF support 25
changes for DWG support 7
changes for Oracle SDP 60
accessing maps and MWFs from 64
associating with map feature 66
avoiding interface authentication 69
preventing non-secure site warning 73
retaining current map state 71
sample code integration 74
clearPostSQLStatements method 163
clearPreSQLStatements method 160
code integration sample 74
custom spatial queries
advanced settings 54
column order 46
error code 165
running against OLE database 52
samples 51
specifying 49
using 46
DataSource property 131
DWF API 123–150
DWF files
and Autodesk Map 28
and Autodesk MapGuide Server 25
maptips 31
overview of support 24
printer driver download 32
saving views to 32
URLs 31
Dwf property 133
DWFWriter download 32
DWG API 81–122
DWG files
and Autodesk MapGuide Author 8
and Autodesk MapGuide Server 7
and link templates 20
and queries 9
and text layers 15
and themes 12
overview of support 5
enhanced layer functionality
accessing API 37, 152
applying filters to queries 42
geometry functions 39
summary 36
error code
-18 Custom Spatial Query 165