
Chapter 7: How Tos
Step 4. To add text, click the Text tab. Click the Style category
you want ("Simple" or "Fancy"), then click and drag the particular
text style you want to the Timeline. The Text Editor appears. Click
within the text box to modify the sample text, or add more text by
clicking anywhere outside the existing text box. You can alter the
font, size, style, and justification. Use the Scroll checkbox and
corresponding buttons to add motion to the text.
Step 5. To add text effects, click the Text tab. Click the Effect
category you want, then click and drag the effect directly over one
of the effects on either side of text on the Timeline. (You can use
a different effect for when text appears and disappears.)
Modify text or text effects by clicking on the component and
adjusting the options, such as display time and effects properties.
Step 6. To add special effects, click the Effects tab. These effects
are added to specific components on the video track. Click the
Effect category you want, then click and drag an effect onto the
component on the video track. Click and drag the edges of an
effect to modify its duration. (On the Storyboard, components
with added special effects will have a star icon.)
More information about the Timeline is in Section 3.5.