
Chapter 2: Capture
Auto Scan: Click to have the program scan for available channels.
Audio Device: Check the box if you would like to record audio as
well. If you check the box, choose your device from the pull-down.
The following buttons may also be available. (Specific options are
dependent on your device. Contact the device manager if you
have any questions regarding what these options do.)
Video Settings: Generally contains options for selecting your video
standard (NTSC or PAL) as well as basic video enhancement
Video Format: Options here typically include frame rate,
compression, and output size (resolution).
Video Input: If your capture card has various input options, select
the one you want to use here.
Audio Settings: Choose the bit rate and frequency of your
captured audio.
Audio Input: Contains options specific to your sound capture
TV Settings: Properties and settings for your TV tuner.
To start recording, click the red Record button within the Player.