Chapter 3: Edit
All of the components on the Storyboard are swappable, meaning
you can drag and drop them to swap them with other
components. This makes it easy to rearrange video clips and still
images, or swap transitions from one spot to another.
Use the arrows at the beginning and end of the Storyboard to
scroll through additional components if you cannot view them all
on screen.
While working in the Storyboard, you have the following options
Undo – Undoes the last command.
Redo – Undoes the last undo command. You can perform
the Undo/Redo commands multiple times to go back and forth
between various editing stages of your video.
Split and Combine
The Split command divides a single video into two components on
the Storyboard or Timeline. It creates two separate video files,
split at the current point of the timer in the Player. Click and drag