Chapter 6: Menus
Delete Thumbnail/File: DELETE
Select All: CTRL + A
Deselect All: CTRL + D
Cut: CTRL + X
Copy: CTRL + C
Paste: CTRL + V
Save: CTRL + S
Add to Storyboard/Timeline: ENTER
Edit Panel: ALT + I (Use this shortcut to jump to the editing
panel when any component is selected on the Storyboard/Timeline
or within any text, effect, or transition album.)
Text Editing:
Once within the Color Palette, use the ARROW keys to select your
color, then press Enter.
Bold: CTRL + B
Italic: CTRL + I
Decrease Font Size: CTRL + SHIFT + <
Increase Font Size: CTRL + SHIFT + >
Misc. Shortcuts:
New Project: CTRL + N
Open Project: CTRL + O
Save Project: CTRL + S
Save Project As: CTRL + SHIFT + S
Import Media File: CTRL + I
Edit ArcSoft DVD Disc: CTRL + E
Start/Pause Video: SPACE
Stop/Rewind: HOME
Previous Frame: ALT + Left ARROW
Next Frame: ALT + Right ARROW
Back: CTRL + ALT + Left ARROW
Forward: CTRL + ALT + Right Arrow
Full Screen: ALT + ENTER
Print Current Frame: CTRL + P
Execute Current Button/Checkbox/Etc.: SPACE
F1 - Help
F2 - Display right-click options
F7 - Narrate (ESC to stop recording)
F9 - Small View
F11 - Full Screen