5.1 Calibration of the Output Level
5.1.4 Calibration using the offset setting function of the RF output level
Using the offset setting function of the RF output level of the MG3681A
with “(Absolute)” display, the noise level can be easily calibrated, as de-
scribed below.
A sample on the same condition as that in Section 5.1.3 is shown below.
<Measurement procedure>
(1) Set the MU368060A as in Section 5.1.3 (1).
(2) Measure the total noise power using the power meter.
(3) Set the offset level of the MU368060A. The set value is as follows:
Set value of offset level
Reading of power meter
Set value of
RF output level of MU368060A
(4) Press Offset On Off to set Offset mode to On.
(5) The value displayed on “(Absolute)” becomes the noise power for the
calculated bandwidth.
<Level accuracy>
Immediately after calibration by power meter, the accuracy of the noise
power value displayed on “(Absolute)” is shown in the formula below:
Level accuracy = Band calculated accuracy (Calculated Level accuracy) +
power meter accuracy
If the MU368060A output level is changed after calibration by power me-
ter, the accuracy of the noise power value displayed on Calculate Absolute
Level is shown in the formula below:
Level accuracy = Band calculated accuracy (Calculated Level accuracy) +
RF output level accuracy