Editing Programs
QuadraSynth Reference Manual 81
Sustain Decay (00 to 99)
This is the amount of time that the envelope will take during the sustain stage to
bring the level down to 0. If this is set to 99, the envelope will remain at the Sustain
level until the note is released. When set to 0, the envelopeÕs level will immediately
jump down to 0 upon reaching the sustain stage.
Trigger (Normal, Freerun, Reset, Reset-Freerun)
The Trigger mode determines how the envelope will function. You may select either
Freerun or Reset, or both (Reset-Freerun) or neither (Normal). When set to Normal,
the envelope will always start at its current level (i.e., if another note had been played
which triggered the envelopeÕs cycle, playing another note in the middle would not
interrupt the cycle). Also in Normal mode, the envelope will immediately advance to
its release stage upon releasing the note. When set to Freerun, the envelope will
complete its entire cycle, even if the note is released in the middle. When set to Reset,
the envelope starts at the beginning whenever a new note is played. When set to
Reset-Freerun, the envelope will start at the beginning whenever a new note is
played and will complete its entire cycle, even if the note is released in the middle.
Amp Envelope (Page 3)
Time Tracking (On or Off)
This determines whether or not keyboard position will affect the cycle speed of the
envelope. When turned on, playing toward the higher end of the keyboard will result
in a faster envelope cycle; playing toward the lower end of the keyboard will result
in a slower envelope cycle. However, this does not effect the attack time, but only the
decay, sustain, sustain decay and release segments. This feature will result in only a
subtle change. The envelopeÕs timing doubles or halves over a range of two octaves.
Sustain Pedal (On or Off)
This determines whether or not the Sustain Pedal will have an effect on the envelope.
When turned on, holding down the Sustain Pedal while playing short notes is
virtually the equivalent to holding down those notes on the keyboard with some
subtle but important differences. If the Delay and Attack are set to 0 and either the
Decay is 0 or the Sustain is 99, the envelope will immediately jump to the release
stage (if not already there) when the note is released and the sustain pedal is held
down. If a long attack is set, and the envelope does not reach the end of the attack
segment when the note is released, it will be skipped and the envelope will jump
immediately to the sustain decay segment. If a long delay is set, and the envelope has
not reached the attack segment before the note is released, the envelope will remain
at 0. However, if Freerun is turned on, the envelope will continue through the delay,
attack, decay and sustain segments and remain at the sustain decay segment. This is
exactly the same as holding down the note on the keyboard. When the Sustain Pedal
parameter is turned off, the Sustain Pedal will have no effect on the envelope.
Level (00 to 99)
This is the overall output level of the envelope.