Mix Mode
48 QuadraSynth Reference Manual
(1, 2, 3, 4, or PROG)
Quad Knob [2] determines which effect bus the selected channel will be routed to.
When set to PROG, the effect bus assignment will be that stored by the channelÕs
Program. 1, 2, 3 or 4 overrides the ProgramÕs bus assignment, sending all sound
layers of the Program to the chosen bus.
The Effect function is where you select what Effect Patch will be used by the Mix. Or,
you can link the Effect to one of the Programs in the Mix.
Number (000 to 127)
This determines the Effect Patch number (000Ñ127) for the selected Mix.
Effect Type (Preset or User)
This determines whether the selected Effect is from the Preset bank or User bank.
(On or Off)
This determines whether the MixÕs Effect will be linked to one of the Programs in the
Mix. When Program Link is on, the Channel parameter (Quad Knob [4]) determines
which channelÕs (1Ñ16) Program will select the Effect.
EFX (1 to 16)
When the Link parameter is turned on (see above), the EFX MIDI Channel parameter
determines which channelÕs ProgramÕs Effect Patch will be used for the entire Mix. In
other words, when Link is on and the Channel is set to 3, the Mix will use the Effect
Patch normally used by the Program assigned to channel 3.
When Link is off, the Channel parameter determines which MIDI channel the Effects
Patch will use for MIDI modulation (for example, if a MIDI controller is used to vary
delay time).
Naming a Mix
The function allows you to change the name of the . The Mix name can be up to 10
characters long. Use the PAGE [¬] and [®] buttons to position the cursor. Quad
Knob [1] selects the character. Here is a chart of available characters:
! " #$%&’
* +, - . / 0123
456789: ; <=>?@ABCDEFG
¥] ^_` abcdef
kl mno
z{ | }®¬