Editing Programs
QuadraSynth Reference Manual 57
Any one or all of the four sounds in a Program can be put in . The Drum Mode
parameter is found in the Misc. Function (see last section of this chapter).
Note that Drum Mode isnÕt the only way to hear drums or percussion from a
Program. In Standard mode, if you select a kit (such as ÒRock Kit 1Ó) as the voice of a
Program sound, an entire arrangement of preset, pre-mapped drum sounds will be
assigned across the keyboard. If you select a single drum (such as ÒTympaniÓ) as the
voice, that single drum sound will sound across the keyboard range, with a different
pitch on each note (the original sample pitch will appear on C3).
However, Drum Mode changes the nature of the ASSIGN VOICE function, allowing
you to make up your own drum kit from a selection of 82 different samples: 7 kicks, 8
snares, 4 hi-hats, 14 toms, 5 cymbals, 31 percussion, and 13 percussion effects. You
can map any of these samples to any single key of the keyboard that does not already
have a drum assigned to it in that layer. When a sound is in Drum Mode, you can
assign 10 different drum sounds to 10 different keys in that layer. If all four sounds in
a Program are placed in Drum Mode, you could assemble 40 drum sounds. In Drum
mode, individual drums cannot be ÒstretchedÓ across a range of the keyboard -- each
occupies a single key.
Each of the 10 drum sounds has its own set of parameters in each of the functions in
the display (Pitch, Filter, Effects Level, etc.). You can use Quad Knob [4] in each
function page to select one of the 10 drum sounds to edit.
Here is a block diagram of a sound in Drum Mode.
Sound 4
Sound 3
Sound 2
Sound 1
Voice FilterRange
Drum 1
Drum 2
Drum 3
Drum 10
Pan Output
When Drum Mode is enabled, the sound will have fewer parameters for editing.
Consequently, not all Function labels will appear in the LCD display as when Drum
Mode is turned off. Specifically, the LFOs and all Envelopes (with the exception of
the Amp Envelope) are unavailable. In addition, the parameters in most other
functions will differ.
When using Edit 4 mode, sounds using Drum Mode will be unavailable for editing; only
sounds not in Drum Mode will be editable in the bargraph display. If a sound is in Drum
mode, the display will show ÒdrmX,Ó whereby X is the sound number (1Ñ4).