QuadraSynth Reference Manual 33
¥ select which Effect Patch will be used by the Program, set the effect level for each
sound layer, and set which of the four effect sends each layer will use for signal
processing (such as reverb, delay, and chorusÑor any combination of these).
Mix Edit Mode
Mix Edit mode lets you change the parameters of an existing Mix. Up to 16 Programs
can be active in each Mix, and Mix Edit mode sets up how each will be played. Mix
Edit mode allows you to:
¥ select which Programs will be played by the different MIDI channels and by the
keyboard in multiple layers or splits;
¥ set the output level, effects level, and pan of each Program in the Mix;
¥ select which Effects Patch will be used by the Mix.
Effects Edit Mode
Effects Edit mode is used for setting up the Digital Signal Processing effects. Each
Effect Patch has 4 effect bus inputs, and an internal configuration of multiple effects
such as reverb, delay, and pitch-related effects (chorus, flange, etc.). You can
determine what kinds of effects are used on each bus, change parameters (such as
reverb decay time or chorus speed) of effects, set modulation (such as having the
modulation wheel change the delay time), and set the effects mix (how much reverb,
delay and chorus on the output of each effect bus).
Global Edit Mode
Use Global Edit mode to set various parameters which effect the entire instrument,
such as overall master tuning, display contrast, MIDI controller settings, keyboard
sensitivity, and how the unit will respond to or generate messages during Mix mode.
Store Mode
Store mode is used for storing changes of Programs, Mixes and/or Effects into the
User memory bank. It is also used for transmitting the QuadraSynthÕs parameters
over MIDI for data storage purposes, and for loading banks to or from a QuadraCard
PCMCIA memory card accessory.
Compare Mode
Once a Program has been edited in Program Edit mode, or an Effects Patch has been
edited in Effects Edit mode, or a Mix has been edited in Mix Edit mode, the word
ÒEDITEDÓ will appear in the display next to the Mix/Program/Effect number. If
[COMPARE] is pressed, the word ÒCOMPAREÓ will appear in the display, and you
will temporarily be hearing (and seeing) the original version of the
Mix/Program/Effect. If you are editing a Mix and press [COMPARE], the original
unedited MIX is temporarily recalled. Likewise, if you are editing a Program or
Effects Patch and press [COMPARE], the original Program or Effect will be
temporarily recalled. Pressing [COMPARE] again switches back to the edited
version, and the word ÒCOMPAREÓ disappears from the display.