12 Assembly
29936 (Rev. 5/18/2007)
Bring the belt back across the center sheave in the
center groove over to the right outside sheave.
Figure 7.
Then thread it back across the front of the center
sheave in the top groove.
Figure 8.
Proper Twist: The belt then follows with a 3/4 twist
back under the left V-idler, up over the drive sheave
and back down under the right idler pulley. This will
leave a 1/4 twist in the section of belt extending from
the right V-idler to lower groove of the center mower
Adjust the mower to proper cutting height. The front of
the mower should be slightly lower than the rear of the
best cutting and least power requirement.
Idler Adjustment: Make minor belt adjustment with
idlers but keep left idler about 1" above being in line
with the groove in which the belt runs on the center
sheave of the mower and right idler about 1" below.
Move mower fore and aft for major adjustments. On
L306K210, K260, S, and F10, use belt takeup idlers on
mower deck for major adjustment.
1. Turn the mower upside down on saw horses. If
mower has a bolt-on front shield, adjust shield all
the way down in long slots. Remove side shields.
Leave side skids on. If optional front roller has
been installed, it must be removed.
2. On mowers with bent-down front frame, remove
center baffle and drill three 7/16 diameter holes
(two on 59’s) in front of mower at the diameter
shown on drawing.
3. Attach slotted angles (2) or (3 & 4) to leaf mulcher
as shown on drawing.
4. Place leaf mulcher over blades on mower. Attach
angles (2) or (3 & 4) and mower side shield to side
frame angle on mower. All 59 mowers and L306
mowers with bolt-on front shield will use front
shield hole to attach angles (2) or (3 & 4). L306
mowers with bent-down front frame will use 2nd
hole behind skid to attach angles (3 & 4). Bolt side
shields to mower using 3/8 flat washers for spac-
5. On mowers with bolt-on front shield, bolt front of
leaf mulcher to bottom of slots in front shield with
3/8 x 1" bolts and flat washers. On mowers with
bent-down front frame, bolt leaf mulcher to inside
of mower in holes drilled in front frame using 3/8 x
1" bolts on L306, and on L59’s use 3/8 x 1-1/2
bolts and 5/8 long pipe spacers between leaf
mulcher and mower. On some mowers where 5/8"
pipe may be too long, substitute 3/8 flat washers.
6. Drill 7/16 holes in rear of mower deck through
holes in leaf mulcher rear plates and bolt rear of
leaf mulcher to deck using 3/8 x 1" bolts.
7. Tighten all bolts securely. Turn each blade individu-
ally inside the leaf mulcher to see that it clears the
leaf mulcher rings. If necessary, the rings may be
re-shaped with a hammer to clear the leaf mulcher