Woods Equipment 59HC-1 Lawn Mower User Manual

Assembly 13
29931 (Rev. 6/29/2007)
3. Attach slotted angles (2) or (3 & 4) to leaf mulcher
as shown on drawing.
4. Place leaf mulcher over blades on mower. Attach
angles (2) or (3 & 4) and mower side shield to side
frame angle on mower. All 59 mowers and L306
mowers with bolt-on front shield will use front
shield hole to attach angles (2) or (3 & 4). L306
mowers with bent-down front frame will use 2nd
hole behind skid to attach angles (3 & 4). Bolt side
shields to mower using 3/8 flat washers for spac-
5. On mowers with bolt-on front shield, bolt front of
leaf mulcher to bottom of slots in front shield with
3/8 x 1" bolts and flat washers. On mowers with
bent-down front frame, bolt leaf mulcher to inside
of mower in holes drilled in front frame using 3/8 x
1" bolts on L306, and on L59’s use 3/8 x 1-1/2
bolts and 5/8 long pipe spacers between leaf
mulcher and mower. On some mowers where 5/8"
pipe may be too long, substitute 3/8 flat washers.
6. Drill 7/16 holes in rear of mower deck through
holes in leaf mulcher rear plates and bolt rear of
leaf mulcher to deck using 3/8 x 1" bolts.
7. Tighten all bolts securely. Turn each blade individu-
ally inside the leaf mulcher to see that it clears the
leaf mulcher rings. If necessary, the rings may be
re-shaped with a hammer to clear the leaf mulcher