Weed Eater 545186749 Lawn Mower User Manual

drop in line voltage resulting in loss of
power and overheating. If in doubt, use
thenextheaviergauge. The smallerthe
gauge number, the heavier the cord.
(NOTE: Thecorrectsize t obeusedde-
pending on the cor d lengt h i s shown in
this ma nual. See
in the ASSEMBLY secti on).
S Do not use mult i ple cor ds.
S Ke ep t h e ext en sion cordclear ofopera-
tor and obstacles at a ll times.
S Tie cord to cor d retainerand con nec tto
recessed plug as shown in this manual
to prevent damage to unit and/orexten-
sion cord and to reduce the possibility of
the extension cord disconnecting from
the unit during operati on.
S Donot att emptto r epairunit.Inspect t he
insulat i on and connectors on the unit
and extension cord before each use. If
there is any damage, do not use until
damage i s rep aired b y your authorized
service dealer.
S Donotuse t heuniti ftheswitch doesnot
turn the unit on and off properly . Have
the uni trepair ed byyourauthorizedser-
vice d ea l er.
S Avoid accident al start ing. Be sure the
switch is in th e
OFF positi on and keep
your hand and finger s away fr om the
switch while connecting t he unit to the
power sour ce or when car r yi ng a unit
connected to the power source.
S Avoid any body contact wi th any
grounded conductor, such as m etal
fences, or pipes, to avoid the possibility
of el ectr i c shock.
S Gr ound Fault Circuit Interr upt er (GFCI)
protect i onshouldbe pr ovidedon thecir-
cuitor outl etto beused f orthisunit. Re-
ceptacles ar e avail able having built - i n
GFCI pr ot ect ion a nd may be us ed for
this measure of s afety.
S St op t he m otor immediately if you are
This unit is double insulated to help
protect against electric shock. Double
insulation construction consists of two
separate “layers” of electrical insula-
tion instead of grounding.
Tools and appliances built with a
double insulation system are not in-
tended to be grounded. No grounding
means is provided on this unit, nor
should a means of grounding be add-
ed to this unit. As a result, the exten-
sion cord used with your unit can be
plugged into any standard 120 volt
electrical outlet. Safety precautions
must be observed when o perating any
electrical tool. The double insulation
system only provides added protection
against injury resulting from an internal
electrical insulation failure.
All electrical repai r s to this unit, i ncluding
housing, swi t ch,mot or, et c.,m ustbe di ag-
nosed and repaired by qualif i ed ser vice
personnel. Replacement parts for a
double insulated appl i ance must be iden-
ticalto the parts they replace .A doubl ein-
sulated appliance is marked with the
words “ double insulation” or “double insu-
lated” . The symbol
(square wit hi n a
square) may al so be marked on the ap-
pliance. Failure to have the unit r epair ed
by aut hori zed service personnel can
cause t he double insulation construct ion
tobecomeinef f ecti ve andresultinserious
S Do not set the unit on any surface ex-
cept a clean, hard ar ea while the unit is
running. Debri s such as gravel , s and,
dust , gr ass, et c., could be pi cked up by
theai rinta keandthrownoutt h roughthe
discharge opening, damaging the unit,
property, or causing serious injury toby-
standers or oper at or.
S Do not overr each or use fr om unst able
surfaces such a s ladder s, trees, steep
slope s, rooftops, etc. Use extra care
when cleaning on stair ways. Keep fir m
footing and balance at all tim e s. Keep
hands out of t ubes.
S Inspect t he ent ire unit before each use
for worn, loose, missing, or damaged
parts. Do not use unti l the unit is in
proper wor ki ng order.
S This unit is double insulated. See the
section. Have all internal servic e per-
formed by qualif ied service repair per-
sonnel to avoid creating a hazard or
voiding your warranty.
S H ave all mai ntenance other than t h e
recom m en ded procedur es describedin
the instruct ion manual per form ed by
your authori zed ser vice dealer.
S Always see y o ur author i ze d servi ce
dealer to replace a damaged impeller.
Partsthatarechip ped,cr acke d,broken,
or damaged i n any other way can fl y
apartand cause seri ousinjur y. Replace
damaged parts befor e using the uni t.