Weed Eater 545117523 Blower User Manual

D Have all maint enance o ther t han the rec-
ommended pr ocedures described i n the
instr ucti on manual perf or med by an au-
thori zed servi ce dealer.
D Always see an author i ze d s er vice dealer
to replace a damaged impell er. Parts t hat
are chipped, cracked, br oken, or dam-
aged in any ot her way can fl y apart and
cause seri ous injur y. Replace damaged
parts bef or e using t he uni t.
D Never pl ace any object in the air i nt ake
opening as this could restri ct proper air
flow and cause damage to t he uni t.
D Never douse the unit wi th w ater or other
liqui ds or s quir t wit h a water hose. C l ean
a clean dry cloth. See
D Check a i r intake openings and tubes fre-
quently , always with the unit stopped and
power source di sconnected. Keep vents
and tubes fr ee fr om debris which can ac-
cumulate and r estr i ct proper ai r flow.
D Do not bur n , incinerat e , or expose thi s
unit t o ext r eme heat.
D St or e the unit unpl ugged in a high, cool,
dr y, indoor area out o f the reach o f chil-
D Use onl y r ecommended attachments
and replacementpart s t oavoid creat i nga
hazar d and/ or voidi ng your warr an ty.
D Maintain the unit according to recom-
mended procedures.
D Use only in daylig h t or in go od art ifi cial
D I nspect the ar ea before using the unit .
Remove all debris and hard objects such
as r o cks, glass, wir e, etc. , that can r ico-
chet ,bethrown,orotherwise c a usein jur y
or damage duri ng operat i on.
D Never run the unit wi thout the pr oper
equipment attached. When used as a
blower, always i nst al l a blower t ube. Use
only recommended att achments.
D Toavoidspr eadingfir e,do notuseblower
near leaf or brush fir es, f i r eplaces, barbe-
cue pi t s, ashtr ays , etc.
D Never place ob ject s insi d e the b l ow er
tubes; always direct t he blowing debris
away fr om people, animals, glass, and
solid object s such a s t r ees, automobiles,
rocks,dir t ,ors t ickstobe th rownor torico-
chet whi ch can hurt people or animals,
break glass, or cause other dam age.
D Never use for spreading chemi cals, fertil-
izers,orany ot hersubstances whichmay
cont ain t o xic m ater ials.
VACUUM SAFETY (If applicable)
D St op t he m otorand disconnect the power
sourcebef oreopening the ai rinl etdoor or
attempting to insert or remove the vacu-
um tubes. The motor must be stopped
and the impeller blades n o longer turning
to avoid serious i nj ury from the rotat ing
blad es.
D Har d obj ect s can be thr own through the
collect ion bag or the housing and be-
come danger o us missil e s whi ch can
cause se ri ou s in jur ytooperatororothers.
D W hen usi ng the vacuum at t achment, the
unit is designed to pick up dry materi al
such as l eaves, grass, small t wi gs, and
bits of paper. Do not vacuum stones,
grave l, met al, broken glass, etc., to avoi d
severe damage to the impell er. To avoid
the possibility of electrical shock, do not
att empt to vacuum wat er or ot her liqui ds.
D Never run the unit wit hout the pr oper
equipment attached. When used as a
vacuum, alwa ys install vacuum tubes
and collecti on bag assembly. M ake sure
the collection bag assembly is completely
zippedwhen uni tis r unningto avoi dflying
debr is. Use only recommended a t tach-
D A voi d situati ons which could set the col-
lecti on bag on fire. Do not vacuum dis-
carded matches, cigars, cigaret t es, or
ash f r om firepl aces, barbecue pits, br ush
piles, e t c. To av oid spr eadi ng fi r e, do n ot
use blower near leaf or brush fires, fire-
places, barbecue pit s, as ht r ays, et c.
D Al ways use c ol lect i on bag shoulder str ap
when vacuuming to a void loss of control .
D Ch ec k air intake openin gs, elbow tube,
and vacuum tubes frequent l y, always
wit h the unit stopped and the power
source disconnected. Keep vent s and
tub es free of debri s which can accumu-
late and restrict proper air flow. Do not
use withany opening bl ocked. Keep f ree
ofdust,lint,hairand anythingthat mayre-
duce air f l ow.
This product is l i st ed by Underwri ter’ s Lab-
oratori es, Inc., in accor dan cewith UL S tan-
dar d 10 17 .
If situati ons occur which ar e not covered in
this manual ,use careand good j udgement.
Ifyou need assi stance,contactyour autho-
ri zedservi cedealeror call1-800-554-6723.
Failure to follow all Safety Rules and Pre-
cautions can result in serious inj ur y.