Use only in daylight or in good ar tificial
Inspect the ar ea before using t he unit.
Remove all debr is and hard objects such
as rock s , glass, wire, etc., that ca n rico-
chet, be throw n, or ot herwise cause injury
or damage during operation.
Avoid acc idental start ing. B e sure the
switch is in the
position and k eep
your hand and fingers away from the
switch while connecting the unit to t he
power source or when carrying a unit
connected to the power source.
Never run the unit without the proper
equipment att ached. W hen used as a
blower , always install a blower tube. Use
only recommended attachment s. Do not
use with any opening blocked, Keep free
from dust, lint, hair and anything that may
reduce air flow .
To avoid spreading fire, do not use blower
near leaf or brush fires, fireplaces, barbe-
cue pits, ashtrays, etc.
Never place objects inside the blower
tubes; always direct the blowing debr is
away from people, animals, glass, and
solid objects such as tr ees, automobiles,
r o ck s,dir t,orsticksto b e thrownor t orico-
chet which can hurt people or animals,
break glass, or cause other damage.
Never use for spreading chemicals, fertil-
izers, or any other substances which may
contain toxic materials.
VACUUMSAFETY (If applicable)
Stop the motor and disconnect the power
source befor e opening the airinlet door or
attem pting to insert or remove the v acu-
um tubes. The motor must be stopped
and the impeller blades no longer turning
t o av oid ser io us in ju r y fr o m the r otating
Hard obj ects can be thrown through the
collection bag or the housing a nd be-
come dangerous missiles which can
cause serious injury to operatoror others.
When using t he vacuum at tachment, the
unit is designed to pick up dry material
such as leaves, gr ass, small twigs, and
bits of paper. D o not vacuum stones,
gravel, met al, broken glass, etc., to avoid
severe dam age to the impeller . To avoid
the possibility of electrical shock, do not
attempt to vacuum water or other liquids.
Never run the unit without the proper
equipment attached. When used as a
vacuum, a lways install vacuum tubes
and collection bag assembly. Make
sure the collection bag assembly is
completely zipped when unit is running
to avoid flying debris. Use only recom-
mended attachments.
Avoid situations w hich c ould set the col-
lection bag on fire. Do not vacuum dis-
carded matches, cigars, cigarett es, or
ash fr om fireplaces, barbecue pits, brush
piles, etc. To avoid spreading fire, do not
use blower near leaf or brush fires, fire-
places, barbecue pits, ashtrays, etc.
Always use collection bag shoulder strap
when vacuuming to avoid loss of contr ol.
Check air intake openings, elbow tube,
and vacuum tubes f requently, always
with the unit stopped and the power
source disconnected. Keep vents and
tubes free of debr is which can accumu-
late and restrict proper air flow . Do not
use with any opening blocked. Keep f ree
of dust,lint, hair and anything that may re-
duce air f lo w.
This product is listed by Underwriter’s Lab-
orator ies, Inc., in accordance with UL Stan-
dard 1017.
If situations occur which ar e not covered in
this manual, use care and good judgement.
If you need assistance, contact your autho-
rized service dealer or call 1-800-554-6723.
Failure to follow all Safet y Rules and Pre-
cautions can resu lt in ser io u s injury.
Stop the unit and dis-
connect from the powe r sou r ce bef ore
opening the inlet cover or att empting to in-
sert or remove the inlet r estrictor, blower
tube, nozzle, or vacuum tubes. The motor
must bestopped and t heimpellerblades no
longer turning to avoid serious injury f rom
the rot ating blades.
If you receive your
unit assembled, check each step to in-
sure your unit is p roperly assembled and
all fasteners are secure. Foll ow all safety
information in the manual and on unit.
A standard screwdriver is required for