and off the pivot bar. Re lease the rear dis -
charge door.
WARNING: Never op er ate the
mower un less the hooks on the
grass catcher are seated on the
pivot rod, and the rear dis charge
door rests firmly against the top of
the grass catcher.
If your unit is equipped with a side dis charge
de flec tor, you can con vert to a side dis -
charge mower as fol lows:
• Re move the grass catcher as pre vi ously de -
• On the side of the mower deck, lift the
hinged mulch ing plug. See Fig ure 8.
• Slide the two hooks on the side dis charge
de flec tor un der the hinge pin on the hinged
mulch ing plug as sem bly.
• Lower the hinged mulch ing plug.
NOTE: Do not re move the hinged mulch -
ing plug at any time, even when you are
not mulch ing.
WARNING: All mow ers are equipped
with a rear pro tec tive guard. The guard
helps elim i nate pro jec tiles thrown by
the blade from in jur ing the op er a tor.
• Re move the grasscatcher.
• If the unit was set up for side dis charge, lift
the hinged mulch ing plug on the side of the
deck and re move the side dis charge chute.
Lower the hinged mulch plug. See Fig ure 8.
CAU TION: Do not run your lawn
mower with out chute de flec tor,
mulching plug or an ap proved
grass catcher in place. The
de flec tor will de flect a pro jec tile
thrown by the blade into the lawn.
• Check all nuts and bolts for cor rect tight -
Read this owner’s man ual and safety rules
be fore op er at ing your lawn mower. Com pare
Fig ure 9 with your lawn mower to fa mil iar ize
your self with the lo ca tion of var i ous con trols
and ad just ments. Save this man ual for fu ture
ref er ence.
WARNING: The op er a tion of any
lawn mower can re sult in for eign
ob jects be ing thrown into the op er -
a tor’s eyes thus caus ing se vere eye
dam age. Al ways wear safety
glasses while op er at ing the mower,
or while per form ing any ad just -
ments or re pairs on it.
Drive Con trol Han dle
This mower is equipped with Smart Speed™
trans mis sion which en ables the drive con trol
han dle to ad just the mow ing speed au to mat -
i cally with your walk ing. The drive con trol
han dle is lo cated on the up per han dle. Push
the han dle for ward to en gage drive, pull it
back wards to stop. The far ther the han dle is
pushed for ward, the faster the mower will
pro pel.
Blade Con trol Han dle
The blade con trol han dle is lo cated on the
up per han dle of the mower. See Fig ure 9.
The blade con trol han dle must be de -
pressed in or der to op er ate the unit.
Re lease the blade con trol han dle to stop the
en gine and blade.
WARNING: The blade con trol han -
dle is a safety de vice. Never at -
tempt to by pass its op er a tions.
Fig ure 8
Hinged Mulching Plug
Fig ure 7
Rear Discharge
Pivot Rod