Rotary Mowers 13
Toro University Technical Training
Mowing patterns
Mowing patterns
It is normally beneficial to cut a given area in a
pattern that will allow the grass to re discharged onto
the previously cut grass area. If this is not done, the
horsepower requirement increases due to the blade
having to cut the discharged grass again.
Pick up debris
before mowing
Debris on the Turf
All debris should be removed from areas where
rotary mowing equipment is being used to avoid
serious damage to the cutting unit resulting in costly
repairs and downtime. The operator should be
constantly watching for foreign objects in the turf and
when he sees an object, he should stop the mower
and pick it up.
Noise level and condition of equipment
Noise Level
The noise level of equipment is a good indication of
its condition. The operator and mechanic should
continually be aware of changes in noise levels as an
indication of a problem developing.