1.10 Using connecting with Personal Computer (PC)
The auto-tracking function or auto collimating function makes easy remote control of the instrument
from PC. The followings are the main communication commands and explanations. How to
communicate or more informations of communication command, you can see the interface manual
which provided optionally.
Commands Action of GTS-820A series
Transmit command for measured data
Each measured data will be out put
according to the command type.
Transmit command for tracking mode
The status of Automatic Tracking mode
will be out put.
Transmit command for battery level The battery level will be out put.
Transmit command for coordinate of
instrument point
Setting coordinate of instrument point will
be out put.
Transmit command for tracking
Each setting tracking parameter of
instrument will be out put according to the
command type.
Mode setting
Setting of angle measurement
Each selecting mode in horizontal angle
or angle measurement can be decided
according to the purpose of command.
Setting of distance measurement
Setting the measurement mode for
distance measurement.
Setting coordinate of instrument point Setting the coordinate of instrument point.
Setting the tracking parameter
Setting each tracking parameter
according to the command.
T.I. ON / OFF ON / OFF of Tracking indicator.
Rotating command Rotating of setting angle.
Inversion Inversion movement.
Setting tracking mode
Setting from automatic tracking mode to
each command mode.