With the throttle limiter adjusted to 7,000 min
(rpm), the EB2510 will have a sound level of
65 dB(A) measured at 15 m (50 feet).
Using The Blower
Operating Tips
In the hands of an experienced operator,
the EB2510/EB3410 can efficiently move
a wide variety of debris ranging from grass
clippings to gravel. As a general rule,
operate your blower at the lowest throttle
setting required to get the job done:
n Use low throttle settings when clearing
lightweight materials from around
lawns or shrubbery.
Throttle Limiter
The EB2510/EB3410 has a throttle limiter
function that allows the operator to pre-set
the maximum engine speed. This is use-
ful for reducing the noise emitted by the
blower in noise sensitive areas.
Setting Throttle Limiter:
For reduced noise setting, move the
throttle limiter located on the right side of
the throttle control to the dB setting.
See Figure 11.
Throttle Control
Adjusting Throttle Limiter:
1. Remove the plug located at the top of
the throttle assembly. See Figure 12.
2. Move the throttle limiter lever to the
“dB” setting. See Figure 12.
The EB2510/EB3410 is equipped with a
multi-function throttle control. The “Cruise”
function allows the operator to use a thumb
controlled lever for constant speed use
without using the throttle trigger. This is
useful for limiting the fatigue caused from
holding the throttle for extended periods of
On the opposite side, a two position
“Limiter” control allows full engine speed
when set for “Turbo” or limits the throttle
to a pre-set engine speed when set to low
noise (dB) setting.
Blower noise increases at higher throttle
settings! Always use the lowest throttle
setting required to get the job done!
Turbo Setting
dB Setting
Throttle Limiter
Figure 11
Throttle Limiter
Figure 10
To bring RPM down to idle, push lever
back up into original position.
Figure 12
Remove limiter
adjustment plug
Cruise Function
Using the right thumb, push the throttle
lock lever down until the desired min
(rpm) setting is reached. See Figure 10.
n Use medium to higher throttle settings
to move grass or leaves from parking
lots or walkways.
n Use full throttle when moving heavy
loads such as dirt or snow.
3. With the engine running and while
depressing the throttle trigger, use a
small Phillips screw driver to turn the
adjustment screw clockwise to decrease
(rpm) and counter-clockwise to in-
crease until desired limited min
is achieved.
4. Reinstall limiter adjustment plug.
With the throttle limiter adjusted to 6,500 min
(rpm), the EB3410 will have a sound level of
65 dB(A) measured at 15 m (50 feet).