Poulan 115351327 Blower User Manual

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S To reduce noise levels, operate power
blowers a t the lowest possible throttle
speed to do the job.
S Use r akes and brooms to loosen debris be -
fore blowing.
S In dusty conditions, sl igh tly dampen sur-
faces or use a mister attachment when wa -
ter is available.
S Co nserve wate r by usi ng po wer blowe rs
instea d of hose s for many lawn and garden
applicat ions, including areas such as gutters,
screens, patios, grills, porches, and gardens.
S Watchoutfor children,pets,openwi ndows,
or freshly washed ca rs. Blow debris away
S Use t he full blow er nozzle extension so the
air stream can work close to the ground.
S After using blowers and other equipment,
CLEAN UP ! Dispose of debris in trash re-
ceptacl es.
WARNING: Be sure to read the fuel
information in the safety rules before you be-
gin. If you d o not under stand the safety rules,
do not attempt to fuel your unit. Call
WARNING: Remove fuel cap slowly
when refueling.
Toobtain thecorrect oilmix
ratio, pour 3.2 ounces of
2--cycle synthetic oil into
one gallon of fresh gas.
This engine is ce rtified to operate on unleaded
gasoli ne. Be fore oper ation, gaso line must be
mixed with a good quality synthetic 2-cycl e
air-cooled engine o il designed to be mixed at a
ratio of 40:1. Poulan PRO brand synthetic oil is
reco mmended. Mix gasoline and oil at a rati o of
40:1. A 40:1 ratio is obtain ed by m ixing 3.2 f luid
ounces (95 ml) of oil with 1 ga llon (4 liters) of
unleaded gasoline. DO NOT USE automotive
oil or marin e oil. Th ese oils will cause engine
damage. When mixing fuel, follow inst ructions
printed on cont ainer . Once oil is added to
gasoli ne, shake container momentarily to
assure that t he fuel is thoroughly mixed. Always
read a nd f ollo w the sa fety rule s relating to fuel
before fueling your unit.
CAUTION : Never use strai ght gasol in e in
your unit. This will ca use permanent engine
damage and void the limited warranty.
This engine requires the use of minimum 87
octane [R+M]/2 clean gasoline.
Use of alcohol blended fuels (ca lled gasohol or
using ethanol or methanol) can cause major
engine perform ance and durability pr oblems.
WARNING: Al ternative fuels (not gas-
oline) such as E--1 5 (15 % alcohol), E--20 (20%
alcohol ), E--85 (85% a lcohol) are NOT classi fied
as gasolin e and are NOT approve d for use in
2--stroke gasoline engines. Use of alternat ive
fuels will cause problems such as: improper
clutch engagements, over heating, va por lock,
power loss, lubrication deficien cy, deterio ration
of fuel lines, gaskets and internal ca rburetor
component s, et c. Al ternative fuels cause high
moistu re absorpt ion into the fuel/oil mixture
leading to oil and fuel separation.
D Release the throttle trigger.
S Push and hold the STOP switch in the
STOP po sition until the engine stops.
WARNING: You MUS T make sur e
the t ubes are secur e before u sing the unit.
D Fuel engine. Move at least 10 feet (3 me-
ters) away from the fueling site.
D Hold the unit in the starting position as
shown. Make sure the blower end is di-
rected away from people, animals, glass,
and solid objects.
WARNING: When starting engine,
hold the unit a s illustrate d. Do notse t unit onany
surf aceexcept a clean, hardare a when star ting
engine or wh ile engine is runn ing. Debr is su ch
as gravel , sand, dust, grass, etc. could be
picked up by the air intake and thrown out
through th e discharge opening, damaging the
unit or pro perty , or ca using serious inj ury t o by-
stande rs or the operator.
If your engine still does not
start after following these
instructions, please call
engine af ter r unning out of f uel )
1. Move the throt tle position lever ( cru ise con-
trol) to the idle position .