Husqvarna OutdoorProducts pro vides w ar-
ranty to the initial purchaser for all products
that are sold by an authorised Husqvarna
Outdoor Products Dealer .
The warranty provides the purchaser witha
guarantee against faulty workm anship in
manufactu re and/or defective components.
If any product supplied by Husqvarna Out-
faulty manufacture within the warranty peri-
Authorised Servicing Dealers will effect the
repair or replacement at their discretion to
the custom er, free of charge providing;
S The fault is reported directly to t heAutho-
rised Servicing Dealer.
S Proof of purchase is provided.
S Thefaultis notcaused bymisuse,neglect
or faulty adjustment by the user.
S The failure has not occurred through nor-
mal wear and tear.
S The product has not been serviced, re-
paired or alterations made by any person
not authorised by Husqvarna Outdoor
S The machine has not beenused for hir e.
Nothing contained in this warranty is in-
tended to purport to restrict, modify or ex-
clude the operation of any legislation in the
State where the product was purchased.
The following items are not covered by this
S Normal customer maintenance items
whichbecomewornthrough normalregu-
lar use, including, but not limitedto, belts,
blades, blade adapters, globes, filters,
guide bars, lubricants, rewind springs,
saw chain,spark plugs,starter ropes,and
S Natural discolouration of material due to
ultraviolet light ;
S Engine and drive systems not manufac-
tured by Husqvarna O utdoor Products,
theseitemsarecovered bytherespective
ty,all claims must besent to theappropri-
ate manufacturer .
Product Warranty Period
Domestic Commercial
Non--Powered P ush M owers 12 Mon ths 90 Days
Electric and P etrol Walk--Behind Mowers 12 Mon ths 90 Days
Electric and P etrol Chainsaws 12 Mon ths 90 Days
Electric and P etrol Trimmers 12 Mon ths 90 Days
Electric and P etrol Blowers 12 Mon ths 90 Days
Petrol Ride--on Mowers 12 Mon ths 90 Days