English – 9
Since the Auto Mower follows the path of the search wire, it
must be laid at least 40 cm away from any obstacle to prevent
the Auto Mower from bumping into anything on its way to the
charging station.
In exceptional cases and over short distances the wires can be
laid closer together, i.e. in a narrow passageway or in the final
metre approach to the charging station. If so, it is important that
the wires are equally spaced.
≥ 40 cm
Boundary wire
Search wire
Extra wire
We recommend that you lay a little extra wire at regular inter-
vals along the boundary wire, about every 30 metres, and
definitely close to the charging station. This will make any later
adjustments to the installation easier. It is important that the
parallel lengths of wire are laid right next to each other, under-
neath the same staples. Extra wire must not be laid in coils
outside the boundary wire. This could interfere with the opera-
tion of the mower.