Finish Grade
ICC Pedestal
(Slope to Drain)
" (19 mm) Conduit for 120/230 VAC 1
", 1
" or 2"
(32, 40 or 50 mm)
Conduit For Valve Wires
ICC Controller
Metal Cabinet
PEDESTAL MOUNTING THE CONTROLLER .......................................................................
Pedestal Mount, Metal or Stainless Steel Cabinet
1. Assemble the mounting template using the instructions provided
with the pedestal.
2. Using the enclosed mounting template, locate the bolts two inches
deep in the concrete pad, in the locations indicated. The pad can be
any size but at least a two-foot square is recommended.
3. Level the mounting bolts before the concrete sets.
4. After the concrete sets, remove the door of the pedestal and slide
the pedestal down onto the four bolts. Secure the pedestal to the
bolts using the enclosed washers and nuts.
5. Remove the door and faceplate of the ICC and attach the metal
cabinet of the ICC to the top of the pedestal using the enclosed
hardware in the pedestal.
6. Replace the pedestal door first and then replace the faceplate and
the cabinet door. The pedestal door cannot be removed or replaced
when the cabinet door is closed.