• Insertthecarriageboltthroughtheholesfromthe
• Insert the "J"hook into the second from the left slot in
the accessorytray (Figure 3).
• Pinchthe chemical hose that comes out of a hole in the
unit's baseand slide it into the metal clip as shown in
Add Engine Oil
IMPORTANT: Any attempt to crank or start the engine
before it hasbeen properly servicedwith the
recommended oil may result in an enginefailure.
• Placepressure washer on a level surface.
• Refer to the engine owners manualto add recommended
oil to engine.
NOTE: Check olt often during engine break-in. Refer to
engine owner's manualfor recommendations.
Add Gasoline
_ ANGER! Never fillfuel tank indoors.Never fill
fuel tank when engine isrunning or hot. Do Not
smoke when filling fuel tank.
_ ARNING! Never fillfuel tank completely full.
Provide spacefor fuel expansion. Wipe awayany
fuel spillagefrom engine and equipment before
• Use fresh,cleanunleadedautomotive gasolineand store in
approved, clean, covered containers. Use cleanfill
funnels. Never use "stale" gasolineleft over from last
seasonor gasoline stored for longperiods.
• Clean area around fuel fill cap, remove cap.
• Slowly add gasolineto fuel tank. Use a funnel to prevent
spillage.Fill tank to "Fuel Level Mark" (Figure6).
• Align the clipdirectly abovethe hole in the baseand
attach it to the lower accessory tray flange (Figure5).
Slide the chemicalhose through the metal clip so that it
istight but not kinked.
• Install fuel capand wipe up any spilled gasoline.
Connect Hose and Water Supply to
IMPORTANT: You must attach all hoses before you start
the engine.Starting enginewithout all hoses connected and
water supplied will damagethe pump.