The metal shield must _ properly installed on
anytime the tool is used with the blade. The forward tip
on the metal shield helps toreduce the _ of blade
thrust which can cause serious injury such as amputa-
tion to the operator or bystanders.
& w a,.NmG • • •
Failure to install the shield in the position shown
can result in serious injury to the operator. The
length of the shield must be aligned with the
length of the drive shaft housing. Direct the widest
part of the shield toward the engine. ::
[CAUTION:] Wear protective gloves when
handling or performing maintenance on the blade to
help avoid injury.
NOTE: Remove the Plastic Shield, Trimmer Head,
and Grass Washer before installing the Metal Shield
and Blade.
a. Place the Metal Shield under the Bearing Housing,
aligning screw holes. Be sure wide end of metal shield
is toward the engine.
b. Position the retention plate "L." on the underside
of the Metal Shield and align screw holes. Make sure the
flat side of the Plate is against the Shield.
c. Insert screws "C." (one at a time) through theBearing
Housing,. Shield, and Retention Plate.
d. Tighten the Screws evenly and securely with a hex
e. Install the Dust Cup over the Arbor Shaft.
f. Install the Blade over Arbor Shaft, making sure the
hole in the center of the Blade isfitted around the raised
center step on the Dust Cup.
g. Install fiat washer E , cupped washer G. , and
.................. tailed
nut I L ; De sure cuppea WaSher t,. is ms
as shown in (lower inset).
h. Line up the hole in the Dust Cup with the hole irithe
side of the Bearing Housing by turning the Dust Cup.
i. Insert the small hex wrench provided into the aligned
holes to keep the Arbor Shaft from turning.
j. Tighten nut 1"II." fuanly with a wrench while hold-
ing hex wrench in position.
k. Remove the hex wrench.
I. Turn Blade by hahd. If the Blade binds against the
Shield, the Blade is not centered. Reinstall the Blade.
m, Proceed to "Should Strap" instructions, this section.
NOTE: To remove the Blade, insert rod into
aligned holes. Unthread the Hex Flange Nut and
, remove parts. Be sureto store the Retention Plate,
Hex FlangeNut,BeveledWasher,Flat Washerand
Metal Shield with the Blade for safe keeping.
/-r--, W88tle, r _.J,
"(see inset)
X _'Nut "H "*
Cupped Side
Blade _! washer .'
Parts .no.ted with * are critical and must be
supphed by Sears. Failure to use proper parts
can cause the blade to fly off and seriously hurt
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