Section 2. TLX106 Tower Installation
4. Cut and save a 9 inch piece of 12 AWG ground wire from the 12 foot
length provided. Thread the remaining 11 foot ground wire through the
tower. Secure all wiring so it does not slip back into the tower or conduit.
5. Place the tower cap over the tower end.
6. Raise the tower on a still day. Place a washer on top of the two nuts on
each foundation bolt. Taking great care not to damage cables between the
tower and conduit, raise the tower and lower it onto the conduit and
mounting bolts. Install a washer and nut on each bolt and hand tighten.
Check plumb of the tower by placing a level on the north and east sides of
the lower tower section. Adjust the topmost of the two lower nuts
(leveling nut) on each bolt as necessary. When plumb is established, lock
the leveling nut in place by tightening the lowest nut against it. Tighten
the three top nuts with the wrench.
12AWG Wire
4AWG Cable
FIGURE 2.2-1. Raising and Grounding the TLX106 Tower
2.3 Tower Grounding
2.3.1 Supplied Components
(1) 5 foot 4 AWG Ground Cable
(1) Copper Ground Lug, Bolt
(1) Ground Rod, Clamp
Refer to Section 1 for components supplied by installer.