1. Machine does not move, or moves slowly. • Confirm that the main drain is closed.
• Ensure ideal flow is being attained using Pool Pulse
Note: In water 60
F or less, it may be necessary to increase
flow to compensate for the reduced flexibility of the hose
and diaphragm.
• Check diaphragm for damage or wear
(See Care
and Maintenance)
• Backwash filter and empty pump basket.
• Check for air in system. If water level in pump basket
drops or you notice excessive air bubbles in pump basket
or coming out of return jets, you have air in the system.
Check hose connections, tighten all fittings at pump, and
check gasket in pump basket for wear. You may need to
have a pool professional check for air leaks in the lines.
• Ensure ideal flow is being attained using Pool Pulse
High flow will cause the cleaner to climb more.
• Point return jets as far down as possible.
• Make sure hose does not have memory frombeing coiled
(See Care and Maintenance).
• Ensure both hose weights are 1.5 metres from G3 head.
• Confirm proper hose length.
(See Assembly Section)
3. Machine sticks on ladder. • Ensure ideal flow is being attained using Pool Pulse
Lower flow will bring the cleaner off the walls.
• Ensure both hose weights are 1.5 metres from G3 head.
4. Machine sticks in steps. • Check Pool Pulse
for ideal flow.
• Ensure correct amount of hose is being used
(See Assembly).
Shorten if neccessary.
• Utilize return jets as shown in adjusments section.
(See Adjustments Section)
5. Machine stays on walls or edge of pool. • Reduce flow to low side of ideal range on Pool Pulse
• Ensure both hose weights are 1.5 meters from G3 head.
6. Machine won't climb walls. • Machine may not climb walls of some vinyl pools or pools
with safety ledges.
• Ensure both hose weights are 1.5 meters from G3 head.
• Raise flow to high side of ideal range on Pool Pulse
If this unit is not working properly, do not return it to your retailer. Call 1-888-647-4004.
2. Machine patterns or doesn't cover
majority of pool.