GR60/72 02/07 Operation Section 4-26
© 2007 Alamo Group Inc.
Crossing Ditches and Steep Inclines
When crossing ditches with steep banks or going up
sharp inclines, it is possible that the main driveline
inner profile will penetrate into the outer housing to its
maximum depth until the assembly becomes solid
(driveline is at its extreme shortest length). This type
of abusive operation can cause serious damage to
the tractor and mower drive by pushing the PTO into
the tractor and through the support bearings or
downward onto the PTO shaft, breaking it off.
Damage resulting from over-collapse of the driveline’s inner profile and its outer housing
may allow the driveline to come loose from the Tractor which could cause bodily injury to the
operator or bystanders and/or extensive damage to the Tractor or Implement. OPS-R-0020
Be particularly careful when transporting the Implement with the Tractor. Turn curves or go
up hills only at a low speed and using a gradual steering angle. Rear mounted implements
move the center of gravity to the rear and remove weight from the front wheels. Make certain, by adding fron
ballast, that at least 20% of the tractor’s weight is on the front wheels to prevent rearing up, loss of steering
control or Tractor tip-over. Slow down on rough or uneven surfaces to prevent loss of steering control which
could result in property damage or possible injury. Do not transport unless 3-Point lift lever is fully raised and
in the latched transport position. Dropping implement in transport can cause serious damage to the tracto
and/or Implement and possibly cause the operator or others to be injured or killed. (S3PT-2)
When contronted with an incline or ditch, do not
approach from an angle which is perpendicular or
straight on as damaged to over collapse of the
driveline may occur.
When crossing such terrain, the wings should be
fully lowered for a lower center of gravity and added
stability. OPS-R-0021