Disk Commands
:DISK:LOAD "<filename>", <source>
Loads a setup, waveform, database, mask, TDR/TDT calibration, or pixel
memory from the disk. The filename does not include a suffix. The suffix
supplied by the instrument depends on the source and file format specified.
The TDRTDT option is a file type choice used to load TDR/TDT calibration
values into the instrument.
{DATabase | MASK | PMEMory 1 | SETup |
WMEMory<number> | TDRTDT}
Is an MS-DOS compatible file name up to 8 characters long.
Represents waveforms 1, 2, 3, or 4.
:DISK:STORe <source>, "<filename>"[,<format>]
Stores a setup, waveform, database, mask, TDR response, TDR/TDT
calibration, or pixel memory to the disk. The filename does not include a
suffix. The suffix is supplied by the instrument depending on the source and
file format specified. The database may only be saved in internal format.
{DATabase | MASK | PMEMory 1 | SETup |
WMEMory<number> | TDRTDT}
Is an MS-DOS compatible file name up to 8 characters long.
Represents waveforms 1, 2, 3, or 4.
{TEXT [,YVALues | VERBose] | INTernal}