MOPS/586 Literature, Standards, Links
Literature, Standards, Links
• PC/104 Specification Version 2.3 June 1996
PC/104 Consortium; www.pc104.org
• Embedded PCs Markt&Technik GmbH, ISBN 3-8272-5314-4 (german)
ISA-Bus, Standard PS/2 - Connectors
• ISA System Architecture Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
• Edward Solari, AT BUS Design IEEE P996 Compatible, Annabooks San Diego CA. ISBN 0-929392-08-6
• PC Handbook, Sixth Edition, John P. Choisser and John O. Foster, Annabooks San Diego CA. ISBN 0-
• AT IBM Technical Reference Vol 1&2, 1985
• ISA Bus Specifications and Application Notes, January 30, 1990, Intel
• Technical Reference Guide, Extended Industry Standard Architecture Expansion Bus, Compaq 1989
• Personal Computer Bus Standard P996, Draft D2.00, January 18, 1990, IEEE Inc
• Embedded PCs Markt&Technik GmbH, ISBN 3-8272-5314-4 (german)
• EIA-232-E Interface between data terminal equipment and date circuit-terminating equipment employing
serial binary data interchange (ANSI/IEA-232-D)
National Semiconductor's Interface Data Book includes any applications notes. These notes are also available
online at http://www.national.com/. A search engine is provided to search the text of the available application
notes. Entering „232“ as search criteria to get a current list of related application notes.
Tri-M Systems Inc., 6-1301 Ketch Court, Coquitlam, B.C., V3K 6X7, Canada
Phone: (604) 527-1100, (800) 665-5600 Fax: (604) 527-1110
Email: info@Tri-M.com Web: www.Tri-M.com