MOPS/586 Hardware Description
The JIDA Standard
JIDA is the abbreviation for JUMPtec
Intelligent Device Architecture.
Every board with onboard BIOS extension shall support the following function calls, which supply
information about the board. JIDA functions are called via Interrupt 15h with AH=EAh, AL=function
number, DX=4648h (security word), CL=board number (starting with 1).
The interrupt will return with CL#0, if a board with the number specified in CL does not exist. CL will be
equal to 0 if the board number exists. In this case, the content of DX is used to determine, if operation
was successful. DX=6B6Fh indicates successful operation, any other value indicates an error.
To get information about the installed boards following the JIDA standard, the following procedrue is
Call ”Get Device ID” with CL=1. The name of the first device installed will be returned. If result was
”Board exists” (CL=0), increment CL and call ”Get Device ID” again. Repeat until result is ”Board not
present” (CL#0). You now know the names of all boards within your systen that follow the JIDA
standard. More information about a specific board may then be obtained by calling the appropriate
inquiry function with the board’s number in CL.
WARNING: Association between board and board number may change due to configuration changes.
Do not rely on any association between board and board number. Instead, always use the
procedure described in the preceding paragraph first, to determine the association between board and
board number.
The source of a Turbo-Pascal unit called JIDA_ACC.PAS showing JIDA access is included on the
support disk.
Get Manufacturer ID
Int 15h
AX = EA00h DX = 4648h
CL = Board number (1=first board a.s.o.)
ES:BX = Pointer to destination data area
CL=0: Board present
CL≠0: Board not present
DX=6B6Fh: Function successful
DX≠6B6Fh: Error
If CL=0 and DX=6B6Fh, then 4 Byte manufacturer ID were copied to the
area pointed to by ES:BX
By default, the result will be ”JUMP”.
Note: There is no ending zero byte.
Function must be implemented on every device supporting the JIDA.
Get Device ID
Int 15h
AX = EA01h DX = 4648h
CL = Board number
ES:BX = Pointer to destination data area
CL=0: Board present
CL≠0: Board not present
DX=6B6Fh: Function successful
DX≠6B6Fh: Error
If CL=0 and DX=6B6Fh, then 7 Byte device ID were copied to area pointed
to by ES:BX
By default, the result will be ” ”
Note: There is no ending zero byte.
Function must be implemented on every device supporting the JIDA.
Tri-M Systems Inc., 6-1301 Ketch Court, Coquitlam, B.C., V3K 6X7, Canada
Phone: (604) 527-1100, (800) 665-5600 Fax: (604) 527-1110
Email: info@Tri-M.com Web: www.Tri-M.com