MOPS/586 Network Operation
Returns no
mov ax,0E000h ; Watchdog set
mov bx,5 ; 5*0,2s = 1s Timeout
mov cx,5 ; 5*0,2s = 1s Delay
mov dx,0 ; after Timeout and Delay generate RESET
int 15h
Network Operation
The Crystal LAN™ CS8900 ISA Ethernet Adapter from Crystal Semiconductor follows IEEE 802.3
standards and supports half- or full-duplex operation in ISA bus computers on 10 Mbps Ethernet
The driver can be download from the webpage:
For further information read the readme-File or contact the technical support.
Tri-M Systems Inc., 6-1301 Ketch Court, Coquitlam, B.C., V3K 6X7, Canada
Phone: (604) 527-1100, (800) 665-5600 Fax: (604) 527-1110
Email: info@Tri-M.com Web: www.Tri-M.com