Other Features and Settings
External Port
The default value is 8080.
Allow Web Login
This allows you to restrict remote access by IP address. Select the
desired option.
• Anyone - Remote user's IP address is not checked.
• IP Address Range - Only the PCs in the selected IP address
range will be allowed.
• This PC Only - Only the specified IP address is allowed. If
selected, you must enter an IP address in the field provided.
To connect from a remote PC via the Internet
1. Ensure your Internet connection is established, and start your Web Browser.
2. In the "Address" bar, enter "HTTPS://" followed by the Internet IP Address of the Broadband VPN Gateway. If the port number
is not 80, the port number is also required. (After the IP Address, enter ":" followed by the port number.)
This example assumes the WAN IP Address is, and the port number is 8080.