Microsoft VPN
3. Click the "Browse" button, and locate the certificate file on your PC
4. Select the file. The name will appear in the "Certificate File" field.
5. Click "Upload" to upload the certificate file to the Broadband VPN Gateway.
6. Click "Back" to return to the Trusted Certificate list. The new Certificate will appear in the list.
Private Certificate
Figure 80: Private Certificate Screen
Data - Private Certificate Screen
Private Certificate
The name you assigned to this Certificate. You should select a name
which helps to identify this particular certificate.
The company or person to whom the Certificate is issued.
The CA (Certification Authority) which issued the Certificate.
Expiration Time
The date on which the Certificate expires. You should renew the
Certificate before it expires.
Delete button
Use this button to delete a Self Certificate. Select the checkbox in the
Delete column for any Certificates you wish to delete, then click the
"Delete" button.
Private Certificate Requests
Request List
Any current requests are listed. These requests are generated by
using the New Request button described below.
• After you have received the Certificate file for a request, you
must select the request in the list, and upload the certificate file.
The request will then be deleted from this list, and the Certificate
will appear in the Private Certificates table.
• If for some reason you never obtain the Certificate, you can
manually delete the request by using the Delete button.
Delete Button
Use this to delete the selected certificate request.