If you are using Microsoft OCS or LCS, you need
to enter the full URI (for example,
Note that this username will be used anywhere
where one is required in a SIP call; for example,
it will be used where authentication is required
with a SIP server where no registrar is used.
The password for the MCU on the SIP registrar.
You need to configure the SIP registrar with
details of the devices that will register with it and
create a login for each device. The password
configured on this page needs to match the
password in the SIP registrar. For Microsoft OCS
or LCS, do not enter a password.
Note that this username will be used anywhere
where one is required in a SIP call; for example,
it will be used where authentication is required
with a SIP server where no registrar is used.
Identifies the network address of the SIP proxy.
If set, the proxy is used for all SIP calls, whether
through a registrar or not.
Select a maximum bit rate to use from Microsoft
OCS/LCS clients.
Microsoft OCS/LCS clients will try to use the
maximum bit rate that the MCU advertises
during the initial call setup. In most scenarios,
you will not want OCS/LCS clients to use the
Default bandwidth from MCU that is configured on
the page (Configuring
global conference settings). Use this setting to
select an appropriate bit rate for Microsoft
OCS/LCS clients.
<limit disabled> will cause the MCU to advertise
the Default bandwidth from MCU.
Identifies the protocol to be used for call control
messages for outgoing call connections.
If your SIP devices use TCP, select TCP as the
outgoing transport. If your SIP devices use UDP,
select UDP as the outgoing transport. If you want
to use encrypted SIP, select TLS. Note that if you
want to use TLS, you must have the encryption
feature key (or the Secure management feature
key) and the TLS service must be enabled on the
Note that this unit-wide setting can be overriden
on a per-configured endpoint basis if you require
different settings for individual endpoints. For
more information about configuring SIP
endpoints, refer to Configuring SIP endpoints
Using TLS for call setup is not sufficient for the
call to be considered encrypted such that it can
participate in a conference which requires