The MCU is pre-configured with two user accounts ("admin" and "guest"), but you can also add other users (see
Adding and updating users). Refer to the table below for descriptions of the pre-configured users.
The MCU must have at least one configured user
with administrator privileges. By default, the
User ID is "admin" and no password is required.
After logging into the MCU for the first time (see
Logging into the web interface), you can change
the User ID and password for this account. The
privilege level is fixed at administrator for the
admin user - who can see all the pages and change
The MCU must have at least one configured user
with access privileges below administrator. The
fixed User ID for this user is "guest" and by
default no password is required.
You cannot change the name of the "guest" User
ID, but you can add a password.
You can modify the system defined user accounts if you need to. For example, for security, you should add a
password to the admin account.
Note that you can also create new accounts with administrator or lower access privileges in addition to these pre-
defined users (see Adding and updating users).
Refer to these topics for assistance in modifying these users:
Modifying the "admin" User
Modifying the "guest" User
The "admin" user is the default login account initially used to access the web interface.
1. Go to .
2. Click .
3. Refer to the table below to determine the most appropriate settings for the user.
4. After entering the settings, click .
The log-in name used to access the MCU web
The required password, if any.
Verifies the required password.
The privilege level, which is fixed at administrator.
See User privileges for detailed explanations.