The MCU also displays brief status information about its registrations with the configured gatekeeper.
To display a complete list of all IDs that the MCU is attempting to register with the configured H.323 gatekeeper,
click the link in the Number of active registrations row of the gatekeeper status table; this takes you to the Active
registrations page.
Displays the IP address of the gatekeeper
currently being used by the MCU.
This information might be useful if the gatekeeper
has been specified with a host name rather than
with an IP address.
If the MCU has been unable to reach the
configured gatekeeper and has instead registered
with an alternate gatekeeper, the status displayed
here will be "registered with alternate gatekeeper
<IP address>".
Displays the local IP address and port number that
the MCU has registered with the gatekeeper.
This information might be useful if the MCU has
more than one IP address, for instance if both
Ethernet interfaces are in use.
Displays the number of 'alternate' gatekeepers
configured on the H.323 gatekeeper. This figure
comes from the gatekeeper itself; if there are any
'alternate' gatekeepers configured, the gatekeeper
tells the MCU their IP addresses.
Where the configured gatekeeper has told the
MCU about any configured 'alternate'
gatekeepers and if the MCU loses contact with
the configured gatekeeper, the MCU will attempt
to register with each of the 'alternates' in turn. If
none of the 'alternate' gatekeepers responds, the
MCU will report that the registration has failed.
If the MCU successfully registers with an
'alternate' gatekeeper:
the H.323 gatekeeper status will indicate
that registration is with an 'alternate'
the list of 'alternates' received from the
new gatekeeper will replace the
previous list
the MCU will only revert back to the
original gatekeeper if the 'alternate' fails
and only if the original gatekeeper is
configured as an 'alternate' on the
current gatekeeper's list of 'alternates'
Note that if the MCU registers with an 'alternate'
that does not itself supply a list of 'alternates', the
MCU will retain the original list and if it loses
contact with the current gatekeeper, each one
will be attempted from the top again as before.