
4-62 TimeVault™ User’s Manual 6000-100Ch4.fm Rev. D
Chapter 4: Serial or Telnet I/O Functions Extended Function Commands
4.4.3 F100 EA – Ethernet Address
The Ethernet address is assigned at the factory. It is a fixed, six-byte, hexadecimal value
specific to the unit NET Port. The first three bytes are registered to Symmetricom Inc.;
the last three bytes are the hex value identifying the NET Port.
To request the Ethernet address of the unit NET Port, send the following command:
F100 EA<Enter>
The unit responds:
F100 EA:00-A0-69-xx-xx-xx<CR><LF>
where “xx-xx-xx” are the six hex digits of the unit’s unique address.
An example of the response is:
F100 EA:00-A0-69-00-06-2A
Attempts to set this field will be rejected with a syntax error message.
4.4.4 F100 IP – IP Address
To obtain the IP address of the unit NET Port, send the following command:
F100 IP<Enter>
The unit responds:
F100 IP:nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn<CR><LF>
where “nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn” is the dotted decimal address notation.
An example of the response is:
F100 IP:
Changing the IP Address requires the unit to reset. A verification prompt appears
prior to execution.
To set the IP address and restart the unit, send the following command:
F100 IP:nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn<Enter>
Sample entry: F100 IP:<Enter>
The response is:
Are you sure? (y/N)
As a safety feature, after sending this command, you have 10 seconds to respond
affirmatively (enter the letter “y”) to the confirmation prompt, after which the unit
executes the command and resets. Within that 10 second time period, any other response,
including no response, results in the unit canceling the command.
The F100 EA (and F36EA) command reports in the Ethernet address IEEE format, which may
result in numbers which differ from those reported by your system. Since the Ethernet address
is a fixed value, as long as the unit is up and running (you can ping the unit to be sure), you can
safely ignore these differences.