
6000-100Ch1.fm Rev. D TimeVault™ User’s Manual 1-1
General Information
This manual provides you with all of the information necessary to properly install and
operate the TimeVault™ Time Server (hereafter referred to as TimeVault). Optimization
for time functionality means that accurate position readouts are not available. The
information in this manual includes any normal maintenance and adjustment data that may
be required to facilitate field repairs.
1.1 Conventions
The conventions used in this manual are:
Text = Indicates body text.
Italics = Emphasizes important information.
<Key> = For input, referring to keys that are labeled on your keyboard.
For example, <Enter> means press the Enter key for a line
<SP> means press the spacebar to enter a space.
BUTTONS = Used to indicate push-buttons on the unit: Press SAVE
Bold = Used to show messages, prompts, menus, items in selection
lists, etc., that appear on a computer screen and require action
on your part. For example, Press the Submit Changes button.
text = Used to display output character strings.
text = Used to indicate text you should enter with your keyboard,
exactly as printed.
= Used with bold text to call attention to important information.